I wanted to pass on some information about another great ABA Antitrust Section program “Antitrust In Asia.” The program is in Hong Kong, China on June 2-3, 2016, but early registration savings end on May 12. The faculty includes enforcers from China, Competition Commission of Hong Kong, Competition Commission of India, Japan Fair Trade Commission, Korea Fair Trade Commission, Competition Commission of Singapore, and the U.S. DOJ & FTC.
Antitrust enforcement in Asia has taken a prominent and increasingly important place in the global competition ecosystem. This conference features leading enforcers, academics, and practitioners who will address key developments across the Asia-Pacific region, as well as provide conference attendees unique opportunities to interact with top policy-makers. Here is a link to the full agenda, which includes: Merger Review, Enforcement Directions in Asia, Abuse of Dominance, and Private Actions. The conference also features a “Roundtable with Enforcers From China’s AML Agencies” (Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM), National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC)). While the panels are always great, even better are the informal encounters with the enforcers, corporate counsel and other colleagues who attend the event.
Unfortunately, I won’t be attending. I blew my modest international travel budget on the ABA Cartel Workshop in Tokyo, Japan in February. Here is a short Cartel Caper blog post from that conference and a link to a conference follow-up article I wrote for Law 360 (here). If you do attend the Antitrust in Asia conference and would like to post a blog entry about it, I’d be happy to publish it. I am always looking to expand the international content of the blog.
Thanks for reading.