Wondering what’s taking Makan so long? Mr. Delrahim was nominated almost six months ago to head the Antitrust Division of the US Dept. of Justice. Today, I sent the following email to Senators McConnell and Schumer:
I was sorry to hear of Senator McCain’s health problem but the lull in the health care debate provides an opportunity to hold the vote to get Makan Delrahim confirmed to head the Antitrust Division, US Dept. of Justice. I served 34 years in the Antitrust Division and I know how important Mr. Delrahim’s confirmation is to get matters in the Division moving full speed and to give guidance to the business community. The delay in Mr. Delrahim’s confirmation has generated a lot of concern that has been reported in the press. I have a widely read blog on antitrust matters [OK–that may be puffery] and I have covered also this issue (here). Mr. Delrahim has strong bipartisan support. It would be great to show the business community that Congress can get some things done. And the dedicated career staff in the Antitrust Division would also greatly appreciate the appointment of a leader of Mr. Delrahim’s qualifications. Thank you for your consideration.
Robert Connolly
If you would also like to contact the Senators, they would love to hear from you!
Senator Mitch McConnell
ph: (202) 224-2541
fax: (202) 224-2499
Contact Form here
Senator Chuck Schumer
Phone: (202) 224-6542
Fax: (202) 228-3027
Contact Form here