When I started Cartel Capers blog in 2013, I wasn’t sure how long I’d be able to keep it going. And I gave no thought at all to who might read it. I just thought I’d enjoy writing on antitrust issues from time to time when I thought I might have something worthwhile to add.
Several years later there are still topics/developments that interest me, so the blog is still going. And much to my surprise, people read the blog. I always get a kick out of that and I truly appreciate it when I get a comment. Now, I have another reason to be glad I have kept the blog going. I am honored to have been nominated by the Editorial Committee at Concurrences for a 2019 Antitrust Writing Award. Concurrences is a leading publisher of antitrust publications and organizer of events worldwide.
The Cartel Capers article that has been nominated is “What Can/Should be Done to Pick Up the Pace of Cartel Investigations.” If you would like to vote for this article, please visit the link here.
I encourage you to visit the Awards website (here) and take a look at the wide variety of articles that have been nominated under various categories. There is some excellent scholarship and insight on every facet of competition law.
Thanks for reading. Thank you to Concurrences for the nomination. And thank you if you care to vote.