I attended the 2021 ABA Antitrust Law Section Spring Meeting that was held over March 22-26, 2021. Once again, and hopefully the last time, the meeting was held virtually but it was as good as a virtual meeting could be in my humble opinion. The programs and structure were pretty much the same as the in-person Spring Meeting with a wide range of topics. While I tend to favor the cartel related programs, I never miss what is titled “The Chair’s Showcase.” This program always features thought leaders in the field who work hard to put on an engaging panel. This year was no exception. The current big cases like Google and Facebook, the plethora of antitrust related Congressional hearings and proposed legislation and the new (or more heard voices) in the field remind me of when I first started in antitrust in 1980. At that time the Chicago school was upending much of what I had just learned in law school about antitrust. Now, the Chicago School is facing a serious challenge. I do not know what the future of antitrust is [I’m a simple cartel guy and the per se rule has enabled me to get by on limited brainpower] but I am excited as heck to watch it unfold. Below is the program outline from the ABA materials–and the program delivered.
The Chair’s Showcase: The Future of Antitrust
Antitrust is at an inflection point. Voices across the political spectrum are asking: Is new antitrust legislation needed? If so, what should it look like? The Chair’s Showcase is the culmination of the Section’s yearlong exploration of the theme of The Future of Antitrust. Hear from these thought leaders about the prospect of legislative reform and what it might mean for antitrust enforcement.
It was a great program and the 70th Annual Antitrust Spring Meeting next year promises to be a most memorable event. The virus will be gone (hopefully) and I will still be here (again, hopefully) so I am already looking forward to this event.
Speaking of excellent programs, I’d also like to put a plug in for the California Lawyers Association Antitrust and Unfair Competition Law Section annual program–the Golden State Institute:
31st Annual Golden State Institute
Please save the date for the 31st Annual Golden State Institute on November 17-18, 2021!
This annual marquee event sponsored by the Antitrust and Unfair Competition Law Section promises expert panels on front page issues and cutting-edge legal developments, along with the unrivaled socializing and networking opportunities the Antitrust and Unfair Competition Law Section is renowned for. 2021 also marks the return of the Section’s star-studded California Antitrust Lawyer of the Year events. Don’t miss out!