Concurrences Review, with the support of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Competition Association will hold the 2018 Antitrust in Asia Conference on Friday, May 18, 2018.
There will be four panels:
- Extraterritoriality Enforcement: A Rising Concern?
- Due Process: Could There Be a Global Standard?
- Foreign Direct Investment & Mergers: Towards Broader Provisions?
- A Brand New Digital World: Price Parity, Big Data, Vertical Search… What Is the Asian Perspective?
Speakers include, among others, Toh Han Li (Singapore Competition Commission), Frédéric Jenny (OECD Competition Committee), Justice Godfrey Lam Wan-Ho (Hong Kong Competition Tribunal) and Brent Snyder (Hong Kong Competition Commission).
You can see the full agenda online here: