I’d like to share with the readers of the blog a recent publication of mine titled “Cartel Detection and Monitoring: A Look Forward,” forthcoming in the Journal of Antitrust Enforcement.
As I have discussed in other places, data-based cartel detection tools have been employed by antitrust agencies for many years. (see my discussions here and here.) There is also a growing literature on the applications of such techniques. As an economic consultant, I have also seen and implemented such techniques in Section 1-related private litigation.
In this article, you will find an accessible discussion of important methodological considerations when designing dynamic empirical screens for cartel behavior. You will also find lessons and experiences I draw from research studies in central banking (early warning system for financial crisis in particular) and machine learning that are helpful in the design and use of empirical screens. For those of you who are interested in the academic research in this interesting area, you will find my suggested topics for future research.
With the link attached here, you have free access to this article (provided you don’t sell it for money. 🙂
As always, I appreciate your thoughts and comments. You can reach me at [email protected] or connect with me on LinkedIn here.
Ai Deng, PhD
direct: 2022161802 | fax: 2024087838
1300 Eye Street NW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20005
[email protected]