I am in Washington, D.C. for the ABA Antitrust Spring Meeting. My excitement that my suit still fits was short-lived as I painfully learned that my shoes do not. I’ve done a bit of walking and developed a nice blister (graphic photo censored). I’ve learned/relearned a few other non-competition related things since I arrived:
- I lived in Palm Springs for five years where it only rains three days a year. Back East it can top that–in four days.
- I first realized I may need a hearing aid at the last ABA Spring meting before the pandemic. I thought my hearing had gotten better though because I can hear the TV at home just fine with close captioning on. But the problem does return a bit at certain times.
- On the plus side, kudos to the ABA for having very large print for the names on the badges. (The entire conference seems so very well run and the conferece site is spacious making it easy to catch up with old friends.)
- I am an odd fellow that would rather go back to my hotel room and start this blog post over enjoying the many festivities that go well past my bed time. (I did enjoy some early bird receptions).
I won’t say much about the panels because I could not do them justice–except to say each I’ve attended (including Tuesday’s GCR Live-Cartels) were well worth attending. The panelists are all so well prepared and excellent speakers with important facts and/or a point of view to share. There is also a diversity of backgrounds among the panelists including diversity in experience levels: from people who have worked in the field since they helped draft the Sherman Act to the new crop of leaders.
I attend only a fraction of the many panels that cover every facet of competition law, not just here in the US but around the globe. In the area of cartels there are important debates over some criminal enforcement program policies. That’s not a bad thing in itself and It sure makes for interesting panels. But, there is one thing everyone agrees on which is what makes competition law a wonderful area to practice in: Free Markets = Free People. Now, lets rumble some more over what exactly that means.
Its only Thursday morning so if you see me around please say hello. If we haven’t yet met you will see my easy to read name tag, or if that’s not visible, you may recognize me by my newly purchased footwear.
Bob Connolly [email protected]