I want to give a plug to the Sixth Annual Chicago Forum on International Antitrust Issues being held Monday, June 8-Tuesday, June 9, 2015 at the Northwestern School of Law. I have been to this program in the past and it is excellent. And, this year my partner, Hays Gorey, Jr, is a speaker on one of the panels.
The featured speaker is Brent Snyder, Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Criminal Enforcement, Department of Justice, Antitrust Division. His topic is: “The Proliferation of Leniency Programs: Is Leniency Still an Offer Companies Should Not Refuse or Too Much of a Good Thing?”
There are many panels covering a range of international antitrust issues. Mr. Gorey will be on this panel:
Cascading Cartel Investigations — How to Recognize and Minimize the Risk
Recognizing and minimizing the risk may require proactive techniques to detect antitrust violations and to obtain leniency from the Department of Justice and other antitrust enforcement agencies.
- Darrell Prescott, Partner, Baker & McKenzie LLP (moderator)
- Hays Gorey, Jr., Partner, GeyerGorey LLP
- Kurt Haegeman, Partner, Baker & McKenzie LLP, Brussels
- Britt M. Miller, Partner, Mayer Brown LLP
- Dr. John Scalf, Senior Consultant, NERA Economic Consulting
The program covers the latest developments in competition regulation around the globe providing practitioners and regulators with up-to-date and practical information. The full agenda can be found here.
Thanks for reading.